BMI Calculator

BMI Calculator

Knowing BMIcan help men and women be aware of the state of their health overall. Utilize the BMI calculatorbelow to determine your body mass index by entering your weight and height. In the BMI calculator uses the following BMI formula which is: Weight (lb) (Lb) / (Height (in))2 x 703.

Understanding Your Body Mass Index

If your BMI is less than 18.5: Your BMIis classified as underweight. Remember that an underweight BMI calculation can lead to certain health risks. You should consult your healthcare practitioner for further information on BMI calculations.

When your BMI is between 18.5-24.9: Your BMI is considered to be normal. This healthy weight reduces the chance of suffering from serious diseases and can mean you're close to your fitness targets.

If your BMI is in the range of 25-29.9: Your BMIis considered overweight. Being overweight can increase your risk for cardiovascular disease. Consult with your healthcare provider and consider making lifestyle changes through healthy diet and fitness to improve your health.

When your BMI is higher than 30: This means your BMI is considered to be overweight. The obese are more at risk of many diseases and health conditions which include cardiovascular disease, elevated blood pressure (Hypertension) or Type 2 diabetes, breathing difficulties and more. Discuss your health care provider and think about making lifestyle changes by consuming healthy food and exercise so that you can improve the overall condition of your health as well as your quality of life.

Got Your Calculated Body Mass Index?

If you are aware of your BMI, you are one step closer towards achieving your overall health. Find out how to understand your BMI and what exercises can aid you in reaching your goals.

10 Ways to Get in Shape Faster

With the warm weather just ahead it's possible that you're contemplating losing some pounds or getting into better shape. However, transitioning from winter's bulking season to summer's shorts and swimsuits can be difficult.

While there are no shortcuts to long-lasting health and fitness, and there is no way to guarantee success, there are a few tricks you can employ to speed up the process. Take a look at these 10 tips for a faster weight loss.

If your plate seems to be packed with the brown-and-gray variety of foods--think breads, chips and hash browns, you might be thinking about changing your fuel source. The fact is that nutrition makes up about 80 percent of a fitness equation, and you're not able to out-train a poor diet.

Not only does protein help increase muscle mass, but it also increases your metabolism and makes you feel fuller for longer (which keeps sweets and treats out of your diet). All of these will aid in losing weight more quickly.

A useful rule of thumb is to Try to consume 30 grams of protein per meal or one kilogram per pound of bodyweight daily. When choosing your cuts make sure to remember that not every proteins are created to be the same. Choose high-quality proteins which have a complete amino acid profile. These include pork, chicken, beef and dairy. Going meat-free? It's not a problem. Be sure to consume complementary plant-based proteins, like rice and beans, or hummus and whole wheat pita.8 Methods to eat more PROTEIN

From flushing out toxins to boosting your immune system Staying hydrated is the key to a healthy lifestyle and weight loss. A large glass of H2O fills you up before meals while it acts as an appetite suppressant which increases your resting energy expenditure and making it easier to burn off more calories.

Do you want to speed-up the process? Add a bit of ice to your glass. Research has demonstrated that cold drinks boost metabolism and burns off more calories, since your body uses extra energy to bring the temperature of the water to your body temperature.16 RECIPES THAT HYDRATE

When it comes to strength training opt for exercises that give you the most value for your money. Compound movements are exercises which work two or three different muscle groups--think squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. In addition to helping recruit more muscle fibers per rep, they also mimic realistic movements patterns like pulling, pushing, and pressing that allow you to perform more efficiently in everyday life.

Want to be a part of a bodyweight circuit? Forget isolation movements. Get your fat burning potential up using full-body exercises, such as mountain climbers, burpees and squats, which can also aid in targeting more muscles in less time.11 CREATIVE COMPOUND EXERCISES TO Test

Time under tension refers to the length of time that your muscles are under stress during a set. The slowing down of the concentric (lowering) or concentric (lifting) part of a move can improve your metabolic performance as well as increase hypertrophy. It can also encourage development of your muscle.

Because lean mass burns more calories and builds muscle, it will boost the amount of calories you burn when at rest (BMR). When you slow down your lifts take care to concentrate on your form (and do not fudge your flexibility or posture signals due to fatigue).TOP 10 reasons women should lift weights

Get results faster by cranking to the highest intensity. Instead of doing steady-state walks along the track at a slower pace you should opt for high intensity interval exercise (HIIT). By alternately engaging in bursts intense activity and periods of rest -- say 20 seconds in between, and 20 seconds off, you'll burn more calories in a quicker rate. Furthermore, as it takes up less time it's a good excuse to fit in the workout you want to do, which makes it more likely that you'll be able to get into an intense workout.

The top part? After your workout is over the calories you burn hold strong. This is the most efficient way to stimulate post-exercise oxygen consumption. This means that your body's metabolism is going to keep burning more calories even when at complete rest.WHY You should consider attempting a Workout that incorporates HIIT

A little drive can make a difference. By joining a training group, you'll add an extra level of responsibility.

A class scheduled into your day will force you to avoid postponing (or completely skip) or skip your "fitness meeting." It's much easier to rise up to get up at six a.m. if you know others are waiting for you to work out. You'll likely also be more determined than you would were taking on your own fitness journey.

Are you looking to increase the intensities? Utilizing a spotter built into your device will let you really push yourself without taking the risk of injury.

Looking to lose 10 pounds is great however, make sure that your motivation to get in shape is not limited to the scale. When you sign up to races, competitions or a fun run You'll have a clear plan to follow. The fact that you have a tangible outcome for example, a mile pace that you'd like break or a date for completion can also bring a sense of urgency to your run. It is important to break up your final goals into smaller, more manageable actions along the way.

Want to get a boost of motivation? Take progress photos along the way. While you may be hesitant to take a "before" pic, having an image of where you started will help you stay motivated in times of low motivation.

Don't be afraid of mixing with your routine. Not only will this keep your muscles guessing and contribute to better strength and endurance--but it will also prevent you from becoming bored with your new routine, which is the key to achieving and maintaining weight loss over time.

Don't be too focused on sticking to a rigid plan and allow flexibility in your day-to-day.

If you're trying to get in shape, it's easy to get all-in right from the start. Although this may accelerate weight loss at first this usually leads to burnout and reversing over time.

You shouldn't be rushing from your couch time to six consecutive days in the fitness center. Instead, you should incorporate your new habits gradually. This might appear like slower methods to get fit, but it actually prioritizes the most important ingredient for longevity in weight loss: sticking with it.THE 3 types of fitness Goals you should set

Weight loss is an exercise in mental health as it is physical. To be successful, maintain an optimistic mindset and try to view every "setback" as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Are you disappointed that you weren't able to get to the gym on that day? Spend some time with yourself to figure out what in your timetable that is hindering your progress. How can you make improvements?

This approach of focusing on curiosity, instead of blaming yourself, will lead to positive habits and a healthier attitude, which in turn will enable you to see improvements quick


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